First Quarter: Infrastructure Setup and Platform Launch 2024 Q1
Technical preparations and foundational infrastructure development. Completion of the initial technical framework for the ZOOPIA platform, ensuring security and stability.
Begin internal testing and security audits to ensure the platform's performance and security before public release.
Official launch of the ZOOPIA platform. Initially, the first pool, the platform coin.
Staking pool, will be opened, allowing users to begin staking platform coins for mining.
Second Quarter: Feature Expansion and Community Development 2024 Q2
Opening of the second pool, allowing users to stake mainstream coins (BTC, ORDI, SATS, etc.) to mine platform coins.
Strengthen community involvement through social media, webinars, and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to interact with users and gather feedback.
Begin development of the base functions for the third pool (platform Token acceleration staking pool) and prepare related marketing activities to increase user participation.
Third Quarter: Optimization and Market Expansion 2024 Q3
Launch of the third pool, where users can accelerate the staking returns of mainstream coins by staking ZOOPIA's platform tokens.
Performance optimization of the platform, adjusting and improving user experience based on feedback.
Intensify market promotion efforts through partnerships and participation in major cryptocurrency events to enhance the brand recognition of ZOOPIA.
Fourth Quarter: Innovation and Continuous Improvement 2024 Q4
Explore new staking strategies and profit models to diversify investment options for users.
Conduct an annual user satisfaction survey to gather opinions for service improvement.
Based on the year's feedback and market trends, develop the 2025 roadmap and strategic plan. Concurrently, upgrade the platform's technology to support new features and improvements in the future.
Last updated